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Configuration and detailed description controller-witness


controller-witness - service to change replication roles of two controllers.

controller-witness consists of SystemD service taking its parameters from config file. Configuration file must be filled up before service is run. Service attempts to establish SSH connection to both servers using parameters from /etc/default/controller-witness and then periodically checks connectivity and servers statuses. If server currently acting as replication master becomes unavailable, service attempts to change current slave server role to master. When two masters in cluster are detected, service sends "set role master" command to server which was seen continouosly as master for longer time. This sets another server role to slave.


Settings are stored in /etc/default/controller-witness file. File consists of 2 sections.

If settings file was manually changed, service must be restarted by command:

systemctl restart controller-witness


Contains required parameters. Initially these options can be filled interactively during package installation process if terminal and one of whiptail and dialog programs are available. If all parameters are filled the service is enabled and started. CAUTION! ONLY PARAMETER PRESENCE BUT NOT CORRECTNESS CHECKING IS PERFORMED! If any mandatory parameter is omitted, service remains inactive. One must then fill config file, enable and run service manually.

  • server1

    Mandatory parameter. IP address (or domain name) of first server. Optionally one can set port number after colon (host:port). If no port is given, default SSH port 22 is assumed.

  • server2

    The same for another one.

  • username

    Username if the user to connect to server1 and server2 is the same. This user MUST be able to request replication status and change roles via /usr/local/sbin/veil-controller script on both servers. Must be omitted if usernames for server1 and server2 are different.

  • username1

    Username to connect server1 via SSH. This user MUST be able to request replication status and change roles via /usr/local/sbin/veil-controller script on server1.

  • username2

    The same for another server.

  • password

    Password for both servers if password authentication is used and both users have the same password. Must be omitted in case of pkey authentication or different passwords.

  • password1

    Password for server1 if password authentication is used. May be omitted in case of pkey authentication.

  • password2

    The same for another server.

  • pkey

    PEM file that contains RSA primary key to authenticate on both servers. File is generated and downloaded via controller web interface (Security - Encryption keys - Generate key). After generation, SSH key must be connected to corresponding controllers. May be omitted if password authentication used. Must be omitted if pkeys are different for server1 and server2.

  • pkey1

    The same for just server1.

  • pkey2

    The same for just server2.

  • id

    Instance ID unique string. It is created automatically as UUID string during install so no need to create or edit it manually. If still needed to change id please take into account that it has to be no more than 50 characters long and has to consist of character set 0-9a-zA-Z-_.


Contains additional optional parameters. If some parameters or whole section is absent (it is not created during package installation, can be added manually if needed), default values are used.

  • loop_timeout

    Interval in seconds between status acquiring on each server.

    Default is 10.

  • ssh_loop_timeout

    Timeout in seconds for worker to exit if no commands from parent arrived.

    Default is 300.

  • status_timeout

    Timeout in seconds on get reply to status command.

    Default is 30.

  • set_master_timeout

    Timeout in seconds on get reply to set role master command.

    Default is 240.

  • no_comm_mute

    Number of sequential unsuccessful reconnect attempts to servers after that reconnecting will be attempted silently.

    Default is 10.

  • reports_period

    Interval in seconds between reports to log about servers status.

    Default is 3600 (1 hour).

  • confirm_2similar_timeout

    Timeout in seconds to make decision about situation "2 similar roles" in case if services status is requested when roles are switched from CLI or so. In these moments both servers theoretically can say the same about their statuses.

  • master_failure_duration

    Timeout in seconds before switching slave to master if one controller is slave and another is unavailable (timeout to allow another controller to get online).

    Default is 30.

  • switch_flag

    Path to file causing forced switching server roles if appeared. File must be created with access rights allowing its deleting by controller-witness service.

    Default is /tmp/role-switch.

  • debug

    Debug level.

    Default is 0.

    One- or two-digit decimal number. Least-significant digit controls debug info about role switching commands, most-significant - about status request commands sent to servers.

    For every digit:

    • 0 - no debug info.

    • 1 - report about return code and execution time.

    • 2 - full report (a short report plus corresponding command stdout).

    • 2 - full debug info about role switching commands.

    • 12 - same plus short report about status commands execution.

    • 22 - full debug info about all commands sent to servers. Debug info can be seen in controller-witness service logfile.

Configuration example



Service log can be viewed by command:

journalctl -u controller-witness